2021 “PUR 2” Trine Mauritz | Wenche Gulbransen

Utstillingene PUR er et samarbeidsprosjekt med billedkunstner Wenche Gulbransen. Det startet etter en reise til japan i 2018. I Galleri FORMAT viser jeg tre tekstile arbeider i stort format bygget opp i moduler, og en serie akvareller. Både i akvarellen og tekstilen flyter fargen i materialet og er transparent så underlaget skinner gjennom. De tekstile verkene er ofte satt sammen av vertikale  moduler som ligger over og under hverandre. Klanger og rytmer skapes, og tankene kan kanskje ledes til klaveraturets tangenter.

Pur means pure. For Trine Mauritz and Wenche Gulbransen the word relates to both Japanese modernism and their own work process. The project came about after the artists travelled together to Japan, back in 2018. There they visited museums and galleries showing Japan’s modernism. Since their trip to Japan the artists have met up for regular conversations and to visit each other’s workshops where they have been discussing prosess and sharing knowledge.   

The exhibition PUR 2 at Galleri Format is the second in a series of three exhibitions Mauritz and Gulbransen create together. PUR 1 was exhibited at Drøbak Kunstforening in 2020 and PUR 3 will be exhibited at GalleryGallery, in Kyoto, Japan, in October of 2021.

Wenche Gulbransen will be showing works on handmade, folded paper. The motif is applied on the folded paper with graphite or the pigment Spinel black. This black has the depth Gulbransen is interested in. Pierre Soulages writes about what he calls Beyond Black: “Black is both a colour and a non-colour…  ..It opens up a mental field, all of its own.”

For Gulbransen, art is an open space, in which she can investigate visual and aesthetic options. Her method is intuitive and the works are the result of a long process of trial and error. This means week-long processes before form, colour, figure and ground materializes into something sensual and intellectually interesting. Aesthetics which also puts great emphasis on materiality, especially the kind you see in japanese modernism and architecture, are elements that play a clear role in Gulbransen’s artistic practice.